End-of-Life Legacy

552650476Pass something on to the next generation.

Working in hospice for the last seven years has demonstrated the importance of living your legacy daily and planning to ensure your legacy lives on after you.

No one knows when you will leave this life, despite medical professionals giving you a timeline after a severe diagnosis.

Let’s make every day a legacy.

What are your end-of-life decisions?

Regardless of your age, you may face “end-of-life” decisions for various reasons.

You may be responsible for helping a loved one diagnosed with a terminal illness make decisions as the end nears.

As some with a short time to live, you may want to get your affairs in order, figure out what comes after this life, or work on leaving behind letters, art, or other memories.

1033145188Balance in Serenity can help.

We work with skilled and trained professionals to ensure your legacy gets made! We help clients through thoughtful exercises to decide what legacy looks like to them and guide them in the journey.

While we do not offer legal services, we can guide you in making your advanced directives, provide estate and trust planning resources, and help you decide what quality of life looks like.

We have helped hundreds of individuals identify what they want for the remainder of their lives. That help provides individuals with opportunities to make final dreams come true. In addition, we offer a space where you can talk openly about facing death.

Some of the specialties we provide include:

Processing an end-of-life diagnosis
Helping your family understand your wishes for the end of life
Advanced Directive planning/completion
Funeral Planning Assistance
Creating legacy (writing your story, art projects,
unique letters to loved ones, milestone card writing, etc.)

For a travel charge, we also provide in-home support for residents of Los Angeles and San Bernardino Counties.