Grief and Loss

395054341Grieving from loss is a lonely feeling.

Grief is one of those topics that Americans don’t talk about until the feeling is too strong, and then we feel lost and alone.

For a long time, discussing losses was taboo, and now we are seeing a shift in the younger generations and culture. We now encourage others to be honest about what is plaguing our minds, causing us to feel isolated.

What is Grief?

Grief is when sadness, typically following a severe loss, overwhelms you to the point that you notice it affects you in various aspects of your life.

Grief is often thought of when death occurs, but grieving can be present for other reasons. You may have lost a part of yourself, a meaningful relationship may have ended, or you lost a job that was part of your identity.

Sometimes, talking about what has led you to an all-consuming place might be essential. When overwhelming sadness keeps you from moving forward, you may need to speak to someone.

If you find it hard to quiet the inner thoughts that are telling you, “Nothing will get better,” “Sadness is a part of you,” or “This problem is unresolvable,” it might be time to talk about what has led you to this consuming place.

Grief And Loss Img 2What is Loss?

We are complex people consisting of various parts; when one of those parts goes away with no plan of return, that is loss. It has gone from us, causing us to face whether to replace the loss.

When loss involves losing a person to death, we have to work through what life looks like and learn safe coping skills for more accessible adaptation to that change.

If loss results from losing a part of you (health, home, wellness), we have to work through why we lost it and whether this is something that we want to find again, replace, or learn to adapt because that part of you no longer serves you.

When loss involves a job that was a significant paper of your identity, we get to the core of who you are and identify your values and what makes you indeed you because, most likely, it wasn’t that sole job.

Don’t let grief and loss overwhelm you.

Yes, grieving from loss is a strong emotion that can cause sadness and desperation. Grief is a natural process, and dealing with grief is an individual experience.

The critical thing to consider is that overcoming your loss and grief will take time. It would help if you learned how to process your grief and channel it in a way that allows you to move forward.

We can work together to help you process your loss and make grief less overwhelming.

You are so much more; let’s look at all those pieces in-depth and reframe your mindset. You can start by contacting us today.