Individual Therapy for Women

Dear Reader,

You’re an overachiever, the one everyone else comes to for things, the one people would deem “mentally healthy,” but all this pressure is burying you quickly, and you don’t see a way out.

People have always said that life has a way of testing us and that feeling is more accurate than ever. Losing sleep, overeating, undereating, frequent irritability, and nonstop worrying that something might go wrong are all signs of a stressful path.

Continuing this path will lead to ongoing distress, and you will miss what life has before you.

Never recognizing the good moments since you are always preparing for the other shoe to drop, you feel life is rushing by and running out of time.

I get it!

I’ve been there, and I’m here to tell you there is a way out, and you get to pave it.

Life has had no boundaries up til now because you want to be “the person” for everyone, and now it’s time to be “the person” you need for yourself.

Spending countless hours on helping others be their best self, I invite you to spend one hour a week learning about yourself and creating the best version of yourself!

The best part of individual therapy is that while it says “individual,” you’re not alone because I’ll join you on this journey.

Here’s the procedure.

We will process your life events and determine where you started to lose yourself for the sake of others.

Then, we will identify that moment, capture the automatic thoughts you believe about yourself, and create moments and beliefs that lead you to a more balanced life.

All your friends and family may have chosen you, and now you are the chosen one for yourself. In this place and with this belief, you will gain power, set boundaries, and experience new things.

Finding time for yourself is essential, so please contact me today. Life is too short!
