Life Coaching

Life Coaching Img 1What is life coaching?

Life Coaching is not therapy but can be as beneficial to your life. It is designed to help you identify goals and the roadblocks keeping you from achieving them and gives you a safe space to grow personally.

A life coach spends time helping you focus on the present circumstances of your life and how to overcome those obstacles.

Through Life Coaching, you can receive counseling on how to make decisions about your career or personal relationships. With a life coach, you can learn ways to practice self-care.

Balance in Serenity offers a broad range of life coaching.

Our life coaches have the training to help you search internally for your most desired dreams and guide you through inspiration and mutual creativity to make those dreams a reality.

They have varied experiences ranging from personal growth, business coaching, financial support, health and wellness, and improving your day-to-day life experiences.

Life coaching is available to clients throughout the United States, so regardless of your home address, we can help you since our services are all done virtually.

203614075Life Coaching complements therapy.

At Balance in Serenity, we want to ensure you receive all the right levels of help. Most therapy clients select a life coaching package that best fits them once they have reached their therapy goals.

You can complement the ongoing maintenance cycle of your mental health well-being by working with our life coaches. If you need support again from your therapist, your life coach can make that easy referral for you.

You may be asking about the other differences between life coaching and therapy. The primary component that Balance in Serenity focuses on is “when.”

When did the circumstances occur? Did they happen in the past and cause lifelong struggles? If the answer is yes, then therapy is needed at this point.

Did the situation appear recently due to a specific change in your social, work, or other areas of your life, and you’re struggling to overcome the speed bump? If yes, then life coaching is right for you.

Life coaching may be what you need.

If you want to know more about Life Coaching, contact us today.

We can discuss your goals and see if Life Coaching can help you achieve those goals.

Let’s talk!