Medical Crisis

679546723“Why? What’s next?”

These questions are hard to answer in a medical crisis because facing a recent chronic illness diagnosis can create a rushing of negative thoughts, what-ifs, and should-haves, and you wonder if your life will ever be the same.

It’s never easy to recognize that your body isn’t operating as intended, and the news can be overwhelming, especially if you never saw the symptoms of it coming.

I’ve been there, and I know how it feels to experience your body’s betrayal and desperately want to regain your health while not knowing where to start.

It’s essential to go through the experience of getting your diagnosis and identifying those ruminating thoughts that might be saying you brought this upon yourself.

Blaming yourself is not the answer.

No one asks for chronic health conditions or unwellness.

You did not do this to yourself on purpose, and now is the time to regain your mental strength to fight every day against this chronic condition.

1169904475Helping you fight is where we can help.

We will talk about what it means to live in your body with a diagnosis and not allow it to define you but be a part of you. We will identify the anxious thoughts surrounding your new diagnosis and learn to cope with our body’s changes to adapt to this crisis.

You can live a fulfilling life. While that life might be different than initially planned, we will work through the loss of any independence or activities that the chronic illness has taken away. We will also create new goals and identify ways to recover your life from an illness.

You are not diabetes and are not an autoimmune patient or a transplant patient. You are YOU, and your health doesn’t define you.

Take control of your life and learn to live again! Let’s work together to help you through this medical crisis.